I continue to publish profiles of biotechnology professionals in Life Science Leader. The latest, from the July issue is: A Medical Device Innovator’s Long Road To Success: "Mike Hooven is a long-standing fixture in the Cincinnati medical device scene, and his newest company will surely gain him further recognition. But it was a number of failures throughout the years at multiple business ventures that forged the road to his eventual success."
In June of 2018 I attended the Sartorius Upstream/Downstream Bioprocessing Confeence, held in Goettigen, Germany at their headquarters. I published a report of this meeting in a recent issue of Genetic Engineering and biotechnology News: Bioprocessing Companies Push Limits of Upstream Technologies: Goal Is to Maximize Efficiency in Bioprocess Operations. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News. Sept 12, published online. https://www.genengnews.com/gen-exclusives/bioprocessing-companies-push-limits-of-upstream-technologies/77901147?q=morrow.